Andrew Huggett

How to Get More Out of Your Music Career

When starting a career in music, you may feel overwhelmed by the choices available to you. There are literally thousands of different ways you can make a living as an artist, and choosing the right one for you can be difficult. Thankfully, there are also plenty of experts who can help you get started on the right track. Below are some valuable tips and advice from successful musician Andrew Huggett that could help you get more out of your career as an artist.

Know your priorities

Whether you’re a starving artist or one who makes a healthy salary, you must prioritize your time and efforts in order to maximize your potential. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket — make sure to diversify your income so you don’t end up having to scratch as hard as you might if your primary income source was gone.

Improve your time management skills

As an artist, you will spend a large portion of your day in front of a computer or a microphone. To keep your sanity, it’s important to manage your time well so you don’t end up with mountains of projects and endless commitments. Every day, create a plan for what you will do and when. This can help you stay on track and avoid feeling stressed out, explains Canadian music composer Andrew Huggett.

Eliminate distractions on your computer

One of the best ways to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed is to avoid distractions on your computer. This could include emails, social media, your music playlist, and other distractions.

Organize your shortcuts in a folder. If you like to play games a little too much, remove or hide them. You may want to consider installing software that blocks other programs or websites for a period of time. In terms of distractions, social media can play a huge role. Despite the fact that you need to be on social media to enhance your online presence and connect with your community, limit the amount of time you spend on it every day. When you use social media to accomplish tasks, don't scroll through news feeds until you've completed those tasks. Make sure you are diligent in this regard. Otherwise you'll spend 30 minutes reading post updates without ever getting to the original reason you went there.

Take regular breaks

Breaks are a critical part of any creative endeavour. In order to get the most out of your time as an artist, you must take regular breaks in order to give your body time to relax and unwind. This can help you avoid burnout, and it will also allow you to focus more on your work in a non-distracting environment, explains Ottawa's radio jingle master, Andrew Huggett.

Explore new areas of musical focus

In order to grow as an artist, you’re going to need to venture into new areas of focus. Try devoting your energy to another aspect of your musical career if you're having trouble staying motivated while practicing your instrument. There are times when learning how to put together a webpage, book a gig, use social media effectively, or even learn a new instrument can be fun and inspiring. There are plenty of things you can do to advance your musical career, as Andrew Huggett mentioned above.


Keeping track of your day-to-day activities can be a challenge for any artist, let alone one who works in a profession that involves creativity. However, understanding how to prioritize your time and efforts will make the process of building a career in music easier.